P.O. Box 132283

spring, tx 77393

OFFICE: 713.658.9611   FAX: 713.658.9622

Bill Head Photo.jpg

Bill Carter, President                       

Cell: 713.501.3696                           bcarter@pipesi.com

Office: 713.658.9611 x 101


University of Mississippi - B.B.A. - Accounting (1976)


Bill’s experience in the oil and gas industry began in 1979. With a meticulous eye and attention to detail, Bill’s passion is seeking and providing quality and valuable tubular goods to his customers.

Fun Facts:

Bill's initiation into the world of octg sales began in west Texas with a 10:30 a.m. job interview one Friday morning in August of 1979. He was told by 11:00 a.m., "Billy, if you want to sell pipe, show up on Monday morning." He still serves some of the same customers today that he forged relationships with in the fall of 1979.



amy Mumford wilkerson, office manager

Cell: 281.450.6621                             amumford@pipesi.com

Office: 713.658.9611 x 102


Houston Baptist University - B.B.A. - Finance (2004)


Pipe Specialties, Inc., Houston, TX  - (2006 - present)

Ernst & Young, Houston, TX - Energy Risk Management Division (2004 - 2005)

Fun Facts:

Amy's favorite fashion is camouflage.

She is a coffee connoisseur and allergic to inferior coffee.






Keleigh Cleveland, Marketing & Sales

Cell: 205.994.0438                           kcleveland@pipesi.com

Phone: 713.658.9611 x 103



University of Mississippi  - Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences (2003)


Pipe Specialties, Inc., Birmingham, AL - Sales & Marketing (2008 - present)

Dixie Staffing, Birmingham, AL - Outside Sales Representative (2006 - 2008)

LifeSouth Blood Center, Birmingham, AL - Manager of Donor Recruitment (2005 - 2006)

Mississippi Blood Services, Jackson, MS - Marketing Representative (2003 - 2005)

Fun Facts:

Her name is pronounced "Kelly". She has her parent's to thank for the convoluted spelling. She has answered to Keely, Kayleigh, Keilah, Kalegaha, Kalija her entire life. She likes to think of it as a "conversation piece".

In her 30 seconds of spare time she is an inventor/entrepreneur diligently working to strike it rich with her invention and retire to a far away island with sunshine and rainbows.